Animation to showcase Dynamic deformations, this video uses an earlier version of the tool.
Before and after poreFX
Presenting PoreFX, Hyper-realistic Skin Tool
PoreFX Provides a full suite of tools from skin feature capture that can take input data, read and reconstruct each pore, furrow line or wrinkle. Skin grooming set of brushes for when the input data isn’t available or is missing, to even dynamic deformations to get those natural anisotropic reflection and lifelike skin behavior.
All of this while being fully GPU accelerated throughout, with a custom made ray-tracer for those blazing fast 16k map bakes.
This has been a passion project of mine for the past 3 years, I’m so proud to finally get to show what it’s capable of.
Scan from Triplegangers
Thanks to everyone who supported me along, past and present.